TISEM operates in the field of wood construction and sustainability and are qualified advisors of the BREEAM system, Passive House designers and suppliers of building system solutions in CLT wood paneling (KLH representation).

The CLT panels are made of solid wood slats that allow building walls, floors and roofs and accumulate structural functions, of partitioning and coating, being delivered on site in the final dimensions of the project.

The great potential in terms of sustainability is linked both to the reduction of energy required for construction (materials production and execution on site), whether the reduction in energy in its exploration phase, due to the high energy efficiency of the building system.

There’s also the mitigation of carbon emissions because wooden buildings increase carbon sequestration in the long term, replace other more carbon-emitting materials and energy consumers (ex .: steel, aluminum, concrete and masonry),  and encourage the planting of more trees and the increase of  the forest area.

Check here Tisem ecoproducts



Centro de Actividades
Rua Arnaldo Sobral, 49, Sala 207
3080-048 Figueira da Foz

☎️: +351 233 426 929

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