The occurrence of anomalies in buildings is, unfortunately, very common. This is due not only to unskilled labor, but also the lack of planning and inadequate executing projects, which leads to a wrong conduct of the construction work, often repeating cycles that cause loss of elements and associated anomalies such as moisture and cracking, which originate adjacent environmental impacts such as unnecessary consumption of energy and natural resources. The quality of the materials also contribute to the occurrence of anomalies. Not certified or duly recognized materials can bring manufacturing defects or lack of warranty, affecting the final product. Its misuse, together with the lack of care in execution and the subsequent lack of maintenance, can generate extra costs to users. In many cases, buildings under five years of existance have the need of repair works which could be completely avoided. For example, the lack of isolation in the correction of thermal bridges or performance failures associated with the application of the isolation imply precocious problems, such as moisture and condensation.

According to the PCS, there are several factors that affect the final quality of the construction product, which should be noted:

  • In planning – the definition of all stages and desired performance;
  • In the project – the drawings, especially the details of the adopted construction solutions, specifying and describing all materials to be used;
  • In the materials – the quality and compliance with the specifications;
  • In the execution – the quality and compliance with the specifications;
  • In use – the type of use planned for the built environment coupled with the building manual use.

To achieve the reduction or elimination of pathological problems, there must be a special care in these process steps. No wonder it is said that a mistake not corrected in the project, always multiplies by five in relation to the corrections made later. That is, an error not corrected in the project may go out five times more expensive being corrected on site, and twenty-five times more expensive if it is corrected only after the conclusion of the construction work!

Therefore, the exact location of materials and products for construction, opting always for products recommended by the PCS, is a great asset on the path of sustainability.

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