FUTUREBUILD – formerly ECOBUILD – is Europe’s largest exhibition of sustainable solutions for the construction sector and this year will take place in London between the 3rd and 5th of March.

Supported by innovation as inspiration for a sustainable built environment, the exhibition anticipates the visit of more than 27.000 professionals in the sector, especially designers, who are looking for sustainable solutions to design and build energy efficient buildings and that incorporate sustainable materials.

This event is divided into thematic spaces, being that the Portal of Sustainable Construction considered it opportune to be represented in the space BUILDINGS – Digital Impact, presenting its digital platform dedicated to the promotion of sustainable solutions for construction, as well as its app My Ecobuild (in English), assuming itself as the largest compendium of ecoproducts/services in Portugal and Europe.

In parallel, PSC will distribute its Ecoproducts Guide, in English, where the ecoproducts will be represented with the proper explanation of the sustainability of each one.

Given that FUTUREBUILD is one of the most expensive events in Europe, we think this could be an excellent opportunity for the promotion of your products abroad.

It should be noted that the public of mobilizers and influencers of FUTUREBUILD has the power to make a difference, and here, our partners will be able to present themselves to thousands of professionals linked to the sustainable construction sector, through the PSC, demonstrating important responsibilities in decision-making, in regard to the sustainability of the built environment.

Who will be with us at FUTUREBUILD :


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