Location: S. João da Madeira

Type of construction: new

Deployment area: 125 m²

Gross building area: 198,4 m²

Architecture: Aline Guerreiro and João Azinheiro

Engineering: Ana Luísa Ferreira e Joana Silva

Project coordination: architect Aline Delgado

The land had a slope that was respected, and the house was developed in 2 floors. The orientation had in view its thermic behaviour to minimize energy consumption. The openings were dimensioned along with thermal calculus in order to have an efficient house concerning heating and cooling energy consumption. To the south, Trombe walls were calculated in order to accumulate heat during the day and release it to the interior during the night in a natural way. Beyond having predicted external protections to the windows, these are also back from the façade in order to be shaded during the summer, and sun bathed during the winter.

The adopted window frames are in aluminum with double glazing and thermal rupture. The external wall is made by double brick wall with external insulation in expanded insulation cork board. This material is 100%natural, renewable, national and with big reuse/recycling potential.

The exterior is finished with plaster and painted over a network armed with glass fiber.

Solar panels were instaled to produce electric energy, and solar panels were also included for water heating in order to answer to the Regulation Characteristics of Thermal Performance of Buildings (RCCTE). The heating/cooling system is complementaed by the use of a biomass plant.

There is also the water and sewage project that included rainwater collection for non-potable destinations (garden watering, car wash and discharging flush).

The energy efficiency label in project phase is A+.

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