Argex expanded clay is the ideal solution for any roof combining nature with waterproofing and insulation. Of the several layers composing a green roof the one in charge of draining excess water is fundamental. It prevents water from building up in the substrate and allows plants’ roots to breathe. The expanded clay aggregate is an optimal draining material as it is natural, porous and doesn’t decompose or rot. It is light and capable of storing humidity and slowly releasing it later. Expanded clay is odourless, electrically neutral, hypoallergenic and non-flammable.


This is a 100% natural product that does not compromise structural integrity. It helps regulate humidity and improves thermal and acoustic efficiency allowing for great savings in energetic costs. It also offers natural protection to the whole system while extending the lifespan of waterproofing and insulating materials.


Argex has multiple applications and systems such as insulation in joist floor slabs and double wall air spaces, floor levelling, structure draining, substrate and topping in gardening areas, insulation of flat and tilted roofs and several geotechnic solutions.


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