
Accessibility is an underlying issue in universal design, a field whose primary objective is to develop theories, strategies and techniques for the general public to put into practice according to their own individual or collective abilities. It aims to provide easy-to-apply solutions for interior and exterior spaces, equipments, furniture and everyday objects. Universal design is averse to customization, the development of unnecessary and stigmatizing solutions for individual problems, whether it is directed at disabled people or any other particular group. Equality is the key-word whether it is in addressing, in status or in acknowledging merit.

Universal Design aims to develop products and solutions to be used by the as many people as possible with no need for customization or specialized design. It seeks to simplify people’s lives by adapting products, communications and the built environment to universal use at a low cost and no subsequent incumbencies. It is directed a people of all ages, built, status and ability.

Universal design is the creation of products and physical measures to be used by a as many people as possible to their full extent with no adaptations or specialized design.

Accessibility is the effort to eliminate physical barriers that restrict autonomy and hinder full participation in society.

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