Topcola Therm T2 is a bonding mortar formulated from natural raw materials, free from Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). Its main components are of local origin, contributing to a smaller carbon footprint. It is a component of an exterior thermal insulation system which promotes greater durability of the remaining construction elements by increasing the insulation, minimizing the energy consumption of buildings and mitigating pathologies in the elements


The application of a thermal insulation system with Topcola Therm T2 promotes savings in construction and maintenance, prevents the appearance of cracks, thermal bridges and condensations, preventing the appearance of fungi and / or molds, eliminating double walls (saving space) ) and increases the interior thermal comfort, in addition to reducing the weight on the structure and improving the impermeability of the walls. Its main features:

  • Average thickness: 2.5mm.
  • Drying time: minimum 24 hours.
  • Waiting time between layers: 1 hour (minimum).

Waiting time to cover with the final coating:

  • Painting or organic coatings: 12 days;
  • Ceramics: 7 days


Bonding and smoothing of thermal insulation sheets such as rock wool, natural insulation materials or cork agglomerate sheets, on the defined supports. Ideal for bonding insulation materials on new substrates (facades) in plaster, with the mandatory complementary mechanical fixation (use of wall plugs). Repair and protection of façades degraded by thermal shocks. Applicable indoors and outdoors.

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