AquaSmart Hot Water Heat Pumps are thermodynamic machines that use the energy accumulated in the surrounding air that, through a compressor, is amplified and transformed to produce hot water. By using air energy, a free and always available resource, the heat pump allows the user to reduce energy bills, while contributing to environmental sustainability. Vulcano’s range of AquaSmart Heat Pumps allows savings of around 70% compared to other water heating systems. It does not produce combustion gases when compared to equipment that works with fuels, such as gas and diesel.


  • Models available with and without coil
  • Vitrified steel tank
  • Installation in indoor or outdoor conduits with reduced maintenance and easy access to components
  • LCD display and control buttons for easy adjustment and programming
  • Operation at temperatures between -10 and 35 ºC
  • Q.S. at 60 ºC with only heat pump


The installation can be done in different conditions, and its ventilation characteristics can even be used to improve the air quality of the room that the appliance occupies.

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